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Step 3

Here are some quick solutions.

RIF Name Service (RNS) is a decentralized service that allows users to have a readable domain in any blockchain. It can be used to identify other personal resources, such as payment, ID, storage or communication addresses. It’s difficult to expect a broad adoption if users must copy and paste long hexadecimal addresses to transfer or receive digital assets. By enabling the use of Aliases, RIF Name Service (RNS) makes the use of blockchain technology easy and intuitive, fostering mass adoption.
RNS provides the first multi blockchain naming service available for all major blockchains such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin among others. Just remember to the multi chain functionality in your domain.
Yes as long as you register a domain with at least 5 lowercase letters and numbers (case sensitive).
You can query a RNS domain and retrieve the address that is associated with that domain in:

Yes. You can use RSK testnet to try the RNS service for free following these steps:

1. Download a browser wallet. Recommended: Nifty Wallet

2. Connect your wallet to RSK Testnet. You can do it with the top left selector on Nifty Wallet.

3. [Optional] List tRIF token balance using this address: 0x19F64674D8A5B4E652319F5e239eFd3bc969A1fE. In Nifty wallet do this in the Tokens tab.

4. Browse to RSK faucet to get some gas.

5. Browse to tRIF faucet to get some test RIF tokens.

6. Browse to RNS Testnet Manager and search for your desired domain.

7. Follow the registration process.

Yes. The RIF Marketplace allows users to Buy or Sell RNS Domains (Name Services). You will need to connect your wallet with some gas (RBTC) and RIF tokens if you are buying.
You need to have RIF tokens and RBTC available in one of the compatible wallets. The dApp will only alert if there is not enough RIF for the transaction to take place. In the case there is no rbtc available your wallet will warn you that the payment will fail.
Each domain costs 2 rif for the first year and +1 rif for every additional year. You can also see the real time value of the price in USD.
USD real time price is pulled from CoinmarketCap. In the case that it fails to pull the price is not an issue, the dApp will continue to work just fine.
The dApp needs a browser that supports local storage. Most browsers like Chrome and Firefox are compatible and so will continue the registration from where it left off. With simply refreshing the page it will continue the process.
In step 2, waiting period, it could fail because of the public node polling (rate limit). If more than a couple of minutes pass, then reload the page.
Since you do not enter any personal data such as your email address when registering for a domain, there will be no reminder set by the app that your domain will be expiring. It is crucial to set your own reminder of when your domain will expire and enter the app and renew your registration.
If your domain has expired you will need to register it again, assuming no one else has registered it.
An Owner can set the controller, and the Controller can change the resolving address and create subdomains.
If an owner sets a controller for the main domain and then wishes to make any change, the owner would then need to reclaim the control of the domain or work with the controller they had set.
Yes, by clicking on ‘Subdomains’ you can then specify different addresses as controllers for each one.
Absolutely. By clicking on ‘Your Addresses” you can activate the ‘Multicoin Addresses Resolver” and add as many addresses of different blockchains as you would like.
The registering of a domain is 2 steps. The first step is requesting to register, this process ensures that 2 people don't register the same domain at the same time. After 2 blocks have been mined if only 1 person has requested to register a domain they then have the ability to register the domain in the 2nd step.
By default, it will resolve to the owner address of the top level domain. But when registering you can also assign it to a different address from the very start.
By expanding toggling the ‘advanced’ button, you can click on the ‘Reverse’ tab and set a reverse domain. Then, anyone can see your domain name by searching for your address. RIF Reverse
If you have published your website on IPFS or IPNS, go to the ‘My URL’ section and enter your website address into the field. Just make sure to have the Multicoin Resolver activated.

If you already own a domain, use the top right selector to login with it. You can login to more than one domain and switch between accounts to perform the different operations you need.

1. Go to the RNS Manager. Click on login, located at the right selector.

RIF Login

2. Type the domain you own, and click on ‘Enter’.

RIF Login

If the domain is already in the list you can login to it by clicking here:

RIF Login

Warning! This operation transfers full control of the domain. Once executed there is no going back.

1. Go to the RNS Manager. Click on login, located at the right selector.

RIF Login

2. Type the domain you own, and click on ‘Enter’.

RIF Login

3. Under the "Domain info" panel, click on the pen button to edit the owner of the domain.

RIF Login

4. Input the address you want to transfer the domain to and click on “Transfer”.

RIF Login

5. Submit the transaction.

6. Wait until the transaction is confirmed. This can take a minute.

Warning! This operation transfers full control of the domain. Once executed there is no going back.

You can choose the RSK address you want your domain points to. When you change your RSK address you are not transferring the domain. You are marking that the result of inputting your domain will map to that address.

If you are using your domain with other crypto currencies, you can set your other blockchain addresses here too.

1. Go to the RNS Manager. Click on login, located at the right selector.

RIF Login

2. Type the domain you own, and click on ‘Enter’.

RIF Login

3. Under the "Your addresses" panel, click on the pen button to edit the RSK Address (or other chain address) of the domain.

RIF Login

4. Input the address you want to set as the address of your domain.

RIF Login

5. Submit the transaction.

6. Wait until the transaction is confirmed, this can take a minute.